Category: Master The Workplace

Be A Great Communicator

This Is The Most Fun Way To Make Your Life Awesome

just don’t take humor that seriously. Yeah, it makes us happier, but its effects are much, much more profound than you might guess. People who use humor to cope with stress have better immune systems, reduced risk of heart attack and stroke, experience less pain during dental work and live longer. Surgery patients who watched comedies needed 60% less pain medication. Heck, even anticipating humor has been shown to reduce stress. Humor improves your relationships. Surveys say it’s the second…

10 minutes
Make Better Decisions

These 5 Things Will Make You Smarter

hn von Neumann could multiply two eight-digit numbers together in his head – when he was six-years old. At 22 he was helping to develop what would become quantum mechanics. His off-the-charts mathematical ability made the Manhattan Project a success. He all but invented game theory. (Ever hear the term “zero-sum”? He coined the phrase.) And building on work by Alan Turing and Kurt Godel he laid the groundwork for the computer you’re using. Students could barely keep up with…

9 minutes
Become A Great Leader

This Is How To Get Promoted: 5 Secrets From Research

u’re authentic, humble, kind, and smart. You put your head down and work hard. And it is officially driving you nowhere with a full tank of gas. Meanwhile, the vile Decepticon in the next cubicle who has far more ambition and confidence than brains or work ethic is getting promoted. Apparently there has been an error in the records department at the universe’s Ministry of Fairness. Don’t hold your breath while waiting for karmic retribution. When it comes to the…

10 minutes
Be A Great Negotiator

New Research Reveals 9 Secrets That Will Make You An Expert Negotiator

gotiation is everywhere in our lives – we just don’t realize it. Dealing with bosses, spouses, kids -- so often it’s a veiled negotiation. High prices and low salaries are often a tax on the inability to cut a deal well. Problem is, some of us really don’t like negotiating. We equate the word with “zero-sum Thunderdome battle to the death.” And in our personal lives we’re afraid of being too pushy and alienating loved ones. It doesn’t have to…

10 minutes
Live The Good Life

This Is The Best Way To Handle Big Transitions In Life: 6 Secrets From Research

u can reach a point where your job makes you feel completely embalmed. Your favorite horror movie is everyday life. It would be an interesting dilemma if there wasn’t so much to be uninterested in. You need a career transition. If it’s any consolation, a lot of people are dealing with this right now. There’s been a lot of discussion lately about “quiet quitting.” (Plenty of loud quitting too.) After the two most collectively stressful years in modern history, people…

10 minutes
Live The Good Life

How To Be Resilient: 5 Secrets To Success When Life Gets Impossible

u’re dropped off in the middle of a forest with nothing but the clothes on your back. You’re going to need to live off the land to survive. (Hope you paid attention during all those Bear Grylls episodes.) Oh, and you’re being hunted. Dangerous people are trying to capture you. You know: your average Sunday. And even if you do manage to survive this, the next phase is even worse. You’re caught, blindfolded, and locked in a cell. Music blasts…

10 minutes
Be More Productive

How To Stop Being Lazy And Get More Done – 5 Expert Secrets

remember a time when someone, possibly me, had a lot of trouble getting motivated. This was not fun. Three years ago, I starred in a suspense film titled Oh Good God I Have To Write My Second Book. Some might be thinking: “That must have been easy, you’ve done it before.” Oh No No No No -- that’s not how it works. First time out you have no idea what’s going on. It’s stressful but you can naively jump…

10 minutes
Be A Great Communicator

This Is How To Get People To Change: 5 Secrets From Research

ying to help someone change can be sanity-straining. Even when people face serious health scares they often don’t do enough to alter their habits, like they’re stuck on some monorail track of doom. That said, we often go about trying to help in all the wrong ways. We know that lectures probably don’t help -- but we often find ourselves doing it anyway. It’s like the reasons we give them for changing have almost no effect at all… And, actually,…

11 minutes

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