Category: Have Great Relationships

Have A Great Family

This Is How To Make Your Kids Amazing: 4 Secrets From Research

Every parent wants their kid to do well in school. And it's simple to measure because GPAs and SATs have nice numbers that are easy to quantify and rank. On the other hand, we don’t have a universally accepted “emotional intelligence index” or a “decent human being metric” let alone a “this…

11 minutes
Be Happier

How To Stop Checking Your Phone: 4 Secrets From Research

If I told you we check our phones 5 billion times a minute you’d probably just shrug and agree. We've seen the shocking stats over and over and at this point no number would surprise us. But there's one study that haunts me... Here's what NYU professor Adam Alter told me: There’s a study…

12 minutes
Have An Awesome Marriage

How To Make Your Relationship Amazing: 6 Secrets From The Top Marriage Researcher

Everybody asks how you got together. Nobody asks how you stayed together. You get all kinds of relationship advice but it's usually worth as much as the fortune cookie paper it's printed on. Romance novels, self-help gurus and your aunt Margaret who still quotes "When Harry Met Sally." Nobody has a…

18 minutes
Have A Great Family

This Is How To Make Your Kids Successful: 4 Secrets From Research

ou want your kids to grow up and be more than just... older. You want them to be successful and fulfilled. But it’s a daunting challenge for a parent. Never mind that the price of 4 years of college looks like a phone number these days. You also get a…

12 minutes
Have An Awesome Marriage

How To Make Your Marriage Awesome: 6 Secrets From A Top Divorce Lawyer

ctually, I lied. This is not a "how-to." Good god, there are so many "how-to" posts about relationships, it's exhausting. (I'm tired of them and I'm responsible for plenty of them myself.) So let's mix it up, shall we? This is a "how-not-to." How not to make the mistakes that destroy relationships, marriages,…

15 minutes
Be A Great Communicator

3 Simple Rituals That Will Make You A Fantastic Parent

ou know how it goes. You want this little person to do the thing and they won’t do the thing and somehow zero-point-two-seconds later you're in the midst of a tear-filled screaming match in the hair care aisle at CVS. You start thinking about how your real kid may have…

12 minutes
Be Happier

This Is The Most Powerful Way To Make Your Life Fantastic

ast year Cal Newport convinced 1600 people to completely change their lives. He asked them to take a 30-day break from the optional technologies in their lives. Unless not using it would get you fired, divorced, or cause the people you love to spontaneously burst into flame, it was out.…

14 minutes
Be Happier

The 3-Step Evening Ritual That Will Make You Happy

hat's the worst thing that's ever happened to you? Something that you still think about or still affects you to this day. Hold that thought, okay? Right now we need to do storytime with Uncle Eric: More than thirty years ago there was a guy named Jamie, his marriage was…

12 minutes

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