Are we more or less likely to forgive attractive women?


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Two studies examined the influence of a female offender’s level of physical attractiveness on forgiveness. In Study 1, an apology offered to a male participant (role-playing a victim) by an attractive female offender was more effective at increasing forgiveness compared to the same apology offered by a less attractive offender. In contrast, female participants displayed the opposite pattern, responding more positively to the less attractive offender. Study 2 revealed that this effect was mediated by participants’ judgments about the quality of the apology received. Male participants judged the apology as higher in quality when it was offered by the attractive offender, whereas female participants rated the apology as higher quality when it was offered by the less attractive offender.

Source: “Is beauty a gift or a curse? The influence of an offender’s physical attractiveness on forgiveness” from Personal Relationships

If you’re curious about apologies, you also might want to know if money is a good way to regain trust and what kind of gifts can help you apologize.

On the flip side, it’s also good to know the best way to reprimand someone.

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